Bruce 750 Development Work

Thanks to continued funding from NCCBC, as well as support from ARIA and Destination South Ayrshire we have been busy delivering an exciting series of events to start off the year of celebrations in 2024. 

During 2022 our “Foundations for Recovery” programme developed proposals that will regenerate our area. With ARIA support we have started new activities to implement the findings of that programme. Our project will increase tourism which is an overarching theme. By using a Community Wealth Building approach, we will create economic opportunities and so help to improve Health, Income and Employment indicators.

King Robert the Bruce was born in Turnberry and 2024 is the 750th anniversary of his birth. We are celebrating this through a series of major events and activities that we are marketing locally, nationally, and internationally. The hope is that these create rural business opportunities directly during our events and activities, and longer term by increasing tourist numbers in Ayrshire.

Our ARIA project has lain the groundwork for our Bruce 750 programme; and allowed us to keep our developments staff on board, as well as putting on a fantastic series of quiz events across North Carrick. The Ayrshire Rural and Islands Ambition (ARIA) Fund is part of the Scottish Government’s Community Led Local Development (CLLD) programme.  It is led by the ARIA Local Action Group (LAG), a group of representatives from the local area so its decision making is bottom up. It is administered by South Ayrshire Council.

Please see photos of our events below! 

Destination South Ayrshire Funding has helped us to deliver our first big event – the Brucie Burns Supper which was a great success!


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