North Carrick Communities Arts Trail

CRAG Community Arts SCIO have been awarded the contract to deliver the North Carrick Communities Arts Trail, with Bruce 750 themed sculptures across Bruce’s Web, a project commissioned by NCCBC. The trail which will consist of nine sculptures with augmented reality content will traverse North Carrick travelling from Turnberry in the south, to Dunure in the North, and east to Straiton. Alongside the trail, visitors to the trail will download a phone app with augmented reality elements including a game play element; where you can experience Bruce weaving his way across Carrick once more. 


With the Maybole sculpture already under construction, the remaining eight sculptures will be designed through a consultation process with each of the North Carrick communities.


This process has already started with CRAG artist David Powell – known for his Culzean and Rozelle steel and willow sculptures – visiting each of the six primary schools to discuss the Bruce 750 project while providing an insight to his own work practice as an artist. 



The project is designed to celebrate the 750th Anniversary of the birth of King Robert the Bruce; as well as the communities in which the work will be sited. Young artists from each school are working in groups or individually to produce their own designs of a potential sculpture inspired by historical events and items associated with the Bruce, or their community. The artwork could well be modern or traditional in form. The new pieces will have an expected lifespan of 25 years; causing some excitement amongst the children! “I will be 35!”- piped up one the children at a school assembly; this will be a legacy  of the Bruce 750 project that the children can pass down to the next generation and perhaps beyond!


With the CRAG Arts team are working with each of the schools to assist them in the initial design process; researching ideas and then producing 2D and 3D concepts from February to March. This is an exciting opportunity for our young folk to take part in a project that will enhance the experience both residents and visitors coming to our area; allowing them to follow in the footsteps of the Bruce and learn more about our community in the 21st century.


At the end of the ongoing design process period the community consultation will be held; this when locals can decide which design they would like to be made into a finished work. And that is the exciting bit – for at the moment no one knows what the work will be, or what our budding young artists will produce! How big? How small? What will they be made of? Just some of the questions that folk are asking; but as our young artists will be busy designing over the next few weeks – the answer can only be – Who knows? 


Likewise, the augmented reality content will be determined by the sculpture designs with AR providing locals and visitor alike with the opportunity  to experience Bruce in a way not yet experienced! With the design team building in gameplay for the phone app; weaving history and technology together into a unique North Carrick experience!



The proposed dates for community consultations to be held in community halls and spaces is 23rd – 24th of March so keep an eye open for updates on the project via our social media and that of NCCBC (@Improving North Carrick)

These dates are you chance to have a say on the sculpture in your community!


For further info on the project please contact David at

Photo of David at his workshop:

Meet the Ayrshire artist who brought Shrek and other fairytale characters alive through willow - Daily Record

Some of the children’s ideas below!





Celebrate King Robert the Bruce with us!

North Carrick Celebrates Bruce!

Starting this summer until the end of next year North Carrick will be celebrating the 750th Anniversary of the birth of King Robert the Bruce. The big anniversary falls on 11th July 2024, with our main event planned for Saturday 13th 2024 July in Carrick’s ancient capital, Maybole! Our programme of events will see exciting things going on in North Carrick throughout the year, starting from 1 year to go! Our 2023 Heritage Day will take place on 15th July this year, with something for everyone! Maybole’s Glebe will play host to an arena, music stage, countless stalls and food vendors, as well as plenty of medieval themed activities for our young people to enjoy; including archery and traditional calligraphy! Music from Clann An Drumma and the Glenpark Ceilidh Band will ring through the field! You can enjoy donuts, ice cream and coffee; keeping you fuelled while you enjoy demonstrations from local dog agility champions, and the wonderful History Matters who will be bringing our rich history to life! As well as live entertainment there will be plenty of fun activities to keep you busy, from fun fair rides like ‘the Miami’ to opportunities to try archery, axe throwing and weaving! Follow us on social media where we will be posting fun facts about Robert the Bruce, and all the updates on our future events!
This project is being delivered by NCCBC’s Events Development Team with funding from NCCBC, Maybole Regeneration Project and the Scottish Government. 

Next Funding Round!

Does your project or organisation need funding? NCCBC may be able to help! 😃
Follow the simple steps here –
The next round of NCCBC funding will be decided in August. The deadline for these applications is the 12th July and applications are taken through Claire Bryan on 📧
Please note we have an updated 2023 version of the application form – if you have made a start on an older version please contact us to have the new one sent over to you!
📸 Senga M, NCCBC Director

Evolution of North Carrick Youth Strategy

This report was produced by CEIS as part of NCCBC’s Foundations for Recovery Programme.

View the report here.

Maidens Harbour and Bowling Club Report

This document contains an overview of the work conducted by ARPL in relation to Maidens Harbour and Bowling Club Redevelopment, as part of the Foundations for Recovery Programme.

View the report here.

View appendices relating to Maidens below:

Appendix E Maidens Harbour Records

FfR – Impact Assessment, Future Funding, & Strategy for a Development Trust

Foundations for Recovery – Next Steps & Evaluation

The below documents provide an impact evaluation and recommended next steps, developing on the work which was conducted by Hall Aitken, ARPL, CEIS and other contractors as part of NCCBC’s Foundations for Recovery Programme.

Lion of Carrick Options

This work was conducted by Hall Aitken as part of NCCBC’s Foundations for Recovery Programme.


Robert the Bruce was also known as the “Lion of Carrick” and in part the concept is to link the sculpture to the proposed 750th anniversary celebrations of Bruce’s birth (or forthcoming 700th anniversary of his death). Our work has involved commissioning some artistic development work leading to 2D visuals and a full three-dimensional maquette of the proposed sculpture, at the same time as exploring options for location, size and construction.

EV Charge Points and Mobility Hubs Report

The below report was produced by Hall Aitken as part of NCCBC’s Foundations for Recovery Programme.


In tackling the wider foundations for recovery project, we have identified and developed a strategic approach, “Bruce’s Web” which depends on developing a network of linked attractions across the area. In turn this has highlighted the role of local transport in an effective tourism strategy – not only in ensuring tourists can visit the area, but also that they can move effectively around the area, as should local residents.
With this in mind this report also covers the potential for developing local “mobility hubs,” to help embed sustainable and active transport mechanisms including walking, cycling and public transport as well as private vehicle charging.

View the report- EV charge points and mobility hubs

Active & Sustainable Travel Feasibility Study

The below report was produced by Hall Aitken as part of NCCBC’s Foundations for Recovery Programme.

Active & Sustainable Travel Feasibility Study as part of Foundations for Recovery

This report is part of a wider programme of work, the focus of which is to develop a linked set of project proposals that, in combination, could significantly enhance sustainable tourism in North Carrick over the next five years. This will mean bringing more tourists to the area, and/or extending the length and variety of stays in the area.

View the Active & Sustainable Travel Feasibility Study

Public Toilets Report

This document contains an overview of the work conducted by ARPL in relation to provision of Public Conveniences as part of the Foundations for Recovery Programme. Public toilets are one of the key facilities which visitors expect to be provided in any town.
This is particularly the case in areas, such as North Carrick, which look to welcome tourists on a regular basis.

The report includes:

Existing Provision
Design Concepts
Proposed Provision
.1 Dunure
.2 Maidens
.3 Turnberry
.4 Kirkoswald
.5 Maybole
.6 Crosshill
.7 Kirkmichael
.8 Straiton
.9 Minishant
Maintenance requirements
Management options
Capital costs
Revenue costs and added value

View the report here.