Recently Completed Projects

NCCBC provides funding to organisations across North Carrick – helping to make projects like those listed below possible! Here are just some of the many projects that have been supported in recent years. For a full list of funded projects please visit the Funds Awarded tab. 


Crosshill Bowling Club received the sum of £3,926.41 to replace the existing worn-out furniture and carpeting and improve the attractiveness of the clubhouse in the hope of attracting new members. They hope to open their doors to visitors and new members when it is safe to do so and restrictions allow games and social evenings to resume. 


Crosshill WI received the sum of £821 in May 2019 to deliver 4 single evening courses to promote the uptake of crafts and home skills to encourage more members and young people into the group.  

The ladies enjoyed 4 successful sessions where they tried several new activities including floral arts, skin care, vegan cookery and Christmas crafts, while enjoying meeting some new members in a social setting. Unfortunately, further activities have been delayed due to current restrictions. The Group has featured in 3 NCCBC Newsletters.  This, plus other local awareness-raising action, has resulted in the group receiving donations with the expressed hope that Crosshill WI would be able to continue into 2021 and beyond. 


RecoveryAyr received the sum of £5,000 in September 2019  to support the running of both North Carrick groups (the weekly recovery meeting and the Saturday drop-in group) until March 2021. In partnership with the local Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP), RecoveryAyr has been supporting the development of a weekly recovery meeting in Maybole, and the development of a drop-in project every Saturday. These groups, which were the first of their type in the North Carrick area, offer peer support (promoting abstinence) and activities, alongside training and volunteering opportunities. While both groups were based in Maybole they were open to anyone living in the North Carrick area affected by alcohol or drug use. The Carrick Peer Worker has continued to work throughout the Covid-19 pandemic providing much needed support via telephone, online and through ‘walk n talk’ sessions where restrictions allow. The Team have also been piloting online training courses which are open to all residents of South Ayrshire. 

“As a person who was feeling isolated within a new and strange environment when I first moved to Maybole, it was absolutely invaluable to have a local regular support group to connect into. The group played a vital supporting role in my own recovery journey and helped me to gain a foothold in local community affairs and even now I need to pinch myself as I am now in a position to help others who are starting in their recovery journey. The group also encouraged me to onto college and become a peer worker” – Maybole Group Participant.


Maidens Bowling Club received the sum of £5,000 in November 2019 to purchase a lawnmower and a ‘Cub Team Sprayer’ replacing the current aged machinery for the purpose of maintaining the Bowling Green to a high standard. 


Maybole Indoor Bowling Club received the sum of £4,185 to purchase 3 new short mat bowling carpets that are lightweight and easily rolled up and stored. The club serves as both a great opportunity for physical exercise for its members, and also a vital social network for people in the town. They hope to be able to meet again when it is safe to do so. 


We will soon be updating our news page here on the website with more good news stories of how funding has helped organisations in our community. If you would like to find out more about applying for funding from NCCBC please visit our Contact Us page.