NCCBC Facilities and Youth One-off Funding 2022-23
At their meeting on 9th February 2022 NCCBC Directors agreed in principle to implement a programme to provide partially restricted one-off grants in 2022 to assist with recovery of community facilities post covid. It was aimed firstly at voluntary organisations and social enterprises based in North Carrick who:
- Lease or own property and/or have responsibility for the running costs of premises
- Experienced and can demonstrate significant strain caused by the pandemic
Organisations that received grants would be required to submit bank statements within 1 year showing which items of running costs (e.g., staff costs, maintenance costs, utilities) or which new equipment costs had been met from the grant funding. Exclusions for use of the funds would be to pay existing loans secured or unsecured, and payments for hospitality or purchases of alcohol.
In addition to the above, and in recognition of the forthcoming Strategy for Youth, it was agreed that youth organisations would also be given post-covid kick-start support. NCCBC Directors noted that some of these organisations would receive grants from the Locality Planning Group. It was agreed that NCCBC’s grants would be used to top-up all of the organisations so that, in total, they receive grants of £2,500.
We are pleased to report that organisations across North Carrick have now benefitted from this funding, alongside the funding from the Locality Planning Group to help return to pre-covid activities! We look forward to hearing more about how this funding has helped groups and clubs to restart and venues to reopen their doors to the community.
The following youth groups from across the area have benefited:
Dunure Youth Club (Also receiving £500 from LPG)
Maybole P7 Youth Club (Also receiving £500 from LPG)
Carrick Centre Youth Club (Also receiving £500 from LPG)
Scouts/Beavers (Also receiving £500 from LPG)
Carrick Rugby Youth
Maybole Juniors 2013 (Also receiving £1,000 from LPG)
KKCG Youth Club – including Minishant (Also receiving £1,000 from LPG)
Girlguiding – North Carrick area (Also receiving £1,000 from LPG)
The following organisations with premises have also benefited:
Carrick Coastal Rowing Club
Carrick Community Leisure Group
Carrick Rugby Youth
Crosshill Bowling Club
Kennedy Hall and Park Committee
Kirkmichael Bowling Club
Kirkmichael Village Renaissance (Shop and McCosh Hall)
Kirkoswald Church Hall
Maidens Bowling Club
Maidens Church Hall
Maybole Bowling Club
Maybole Charity Shop
Maybole Juniors Football Club
Maybole Memorial Park Bowling Club
Maybole Pigeon Club
North Carrick Sports Hub (The Glebe)
St Cuthbert’s Church Hall
St Oswald’s Church Hall
Straiton Village Co-operative
The Carrick Centre
Photo: NCCBC Directors and Managers with the Post Covid Recovery Funding Cheque – a total of £96,000 was allocated for this project